Lichenized Fungi

Lichens are composite organisms composed of fungal species in a symbiotic relationship with algae and/or cyanobacteria. Although lichens are classified and named based on the fungal component, they are here presented separately from fungi for convenience of access.

Browse by scientific name:

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Scientific names beginning with L:
Lecaniella erysibe
Origin: Native
Leptogium palmatum
Distribution: West Cascades from British Columbia to California, also disjunct in northern Idaho.
Habitat: Common on roadcuts, old road beds, rock outcrops, and talus at low to mid elevations.
Substrate: On soil or rock, rarely on bark.
Letharia vulpina
Distribution: Widespread in western North America. Most common in and east of the Cascades; occasionally found west of the Cascades in the Puget Sound Trough and Olympic Mtns.
Habitat: Common in dry conifer forest, occasional in moist or shaded forests; from low elevations up to timberline.
Substrate: On bark or wood, most abundant on dead branches and snags; rare on rock.
Lichenomphalia umbellifera
Description: One of three North American genera exhibiting a basidiomycete mycobiont. When not in fruit, thallus appears as a mass of tiny green globules with occasional squamules present. Fruiting body a pale yellowish-tan mushroom with prominent gills.
Distribution: West of Cascades crest in Washington; Alaska to northern California, Maine; In Canada west of Rockies, in Yukon, Northwest Territories in north, east to Quebec.
Habitat: Shaded boreal forest and open tundra.
Substrate: Rotting wood and peat.
Lobaria anomala
Origin: Native
Lobaria anthraspis
Origin: Native
Lobaria hallii
Distribution: From Alaska south to northern California, east to western Montana
Habitat: Moist riparian forest.
Substrate: On bark of conifers and hardwoods, especially Populus balsamifera.